
What is Pride to you? 🏳️‍🌈💐 by supernova22

Crazy how Pride month means different things to people. For some, pride is losing a friend, a parent, or a family member to homophobia. Pride for some is never seeing their siblings again because their parents see them as a parasite that can "be a bad influence" to their siblings. For some, pride month is losing their favorite aunt over an argument of "it's a sin to be gay". For some people pride is hiding behind closed doors and comforming to the roles and genders they were taught as a kid. For me pride is only being able to be free in spaces like story place, a secret account on wattpad or on tiktok. For me it's being able to share queer posts and quotes to a hidden story of close friends or online queer friends only. For some people pride month is the happiest month where they get to celebrate freely on the streets with a family that embraces them. For some,pride month is a parent decorating the house and yard with pride themes regardless of what the neighbours think. For some people pride is meeting the love of their lives at a pride festival. Regardless of what pride means to you have in mind that some people are still going through the motions of coming out, praying to be changed, gaining love, losing family, losing friends, getting kicked out of a house, and rejection in the streets because of the way they dress. So it is important to be kind and accepting of the queer people who are having it a bit too rough. Especially with all the laws of hatred being brought up by the authorities, and the neglect of simple health care to the transgender family. Embrace them more than ever this pride.