
What is... Anxiety by ivanamaria

Define Anxiety. I was asked by someone who didn’t believe in anxiety, what anxiety was for me. I wrote the first thing that came to mind (which probably confused that person even more) but here it goes... An intangibly tangible feeling of overwhelming emotion caused by a mixture of fear and excitement, usually provoked by, or triggered by, a situation containing an unknown factor or an unexplainable question or fact. A state of being that, if and when not addressed, becomes more and more apparent, slowly becoming the norm. Starts off with a thought, then a stream of them (usually filled with hypotheticals), then it becomes physical... thoughts interrupted by thoughts interrupted by a weird stomach pain, interrupted by the realization that every muscle in your body is contracted. Oh and you are also somehow not breathing. Do you even remember what the initial thought that triggered everything was? Probably not. But if you do, is it still relevant? Is it even real or is it a hypothetical? Probably the latter. Does it really deserve this much attention? Does it really deserve YOU? Not everyone gets it... but if you do, you know.