
Spoiled by wordsmelt

Work took 5 days of my week. I don’t have my favourite day. I’m not a fan of Mondays, I may say that I like No Plastic use Wednesdays, I’m excited for Fridays and Saturdays because I can drink without worrying about the next morning. While Holidays were just a bonus. There are days that you felt more hungry, more tired, angrier and happier than any other days. We’re given less than an hour to have our lunch, not to fully enjoy them but to at least energize ourselves for the next 4 hours or more. To survive the working day still standing even just physically. I know you know what I mean especially if you work in a health care system, it’s a battlefield. My senior workmate made fried rice for her son in the morning; she thoughtfully left a portion for me to have for lunch. While socially distanced, eating lunch with her, I managed to observe the weird taste of the fried rice that I’m eating. I told my senior, what ingredients she used because there’s something unfamiliar with it. · This is how we simply do Chinese fried rice: · Fry the rice by lightly browning in a pan or wok. · Stir-fry the onions, garlic, and carrots until tender. · Make a large well in the centre of the pan with the rice. · Pour in the whisked eggs and scramble until small curds form. · Soy sauce is optional but adds a savoury flavour to the rice. · Add green peas at the end to retain colour and shape. Adding more ingredients to it is optional so that I asked. While enjoying it she told me, maybe because of the onion leaves. Then I Just nodded “Maybe, maybe” but I’m not 100% agreeing with it in my mind. I also mentioned that her fried rice tastes better than those from commercial fried rice we can buy in a fast-food chain. Then, maybe after 5 minutes, she added “Ohh I almost forgot, I also added margarine to it. Then I replied, “Oh that’s it! The colour of the rice speaks for it!” That’s when I realized I finished the whole bowl maybe in just 15 minutes. That’s quick, right? I ate the fried rice with sautéed mixed vegetables fresh from my Uncle’s cooking and a piece of veggie meatball. For my drink I had, a Grande Iced coffee, delivered before lunch. Not from my usual store of choice but it’s refreshing. After maybe 30 minutes or so, my stomach started to feel weird. But it’s not the type when you are having diarrhoea. It’s more like the feeling like you’re going to vomit because the food in your stomach got denied you feel like a whirlwind of movement inside That’s when I realized, something upsets my stomach and it’s seriously a big deal for me. Because I don’t like treating my prescribed medicines or whatsoever because I’m sensitive to antibiotics. When I got to the comfort room, I felt warm inside my stomach, but my skin so cold. I’m perspiring like I’m in hell while vomiting. I puked up everything solid that I had. In just a matter of an hour, I had at least 8-10 vomit incidents just to expel everything out of my system. What I know is that, if I don’t make them all expelled from my stomach, I will never be feeling okay. The whole afternoon up to 5 pm. I just sat there in our pantry like a piece of shit, with a cup of warm water, a tablet of antacid which I didn’t what to take and a clean t-shirt to wipe my sweat. I slept for an hour. When I woke up, I’m feeling a little bit better. At first, the thing is we didn’t take the Friend Rice to be the culprit. My senior thought it’s the iced cold coffee. For me, I know within me it’s the margarine from the Fried Rice but I didn’t tell her because I’m not entirely sure. When it’s time to time- out her son called and guesses what. He also got a stomach ache from the fried rice. For me, that’s only the second time I had that kind of reaction because usually, I can catch spoiled food just by smelling it before having a bite. But because I trusted my friend I didn’t even consider it to end up that way. My senior workmate apologized so many times, I just told her that’s it is fine; she didn’t do it on purpose. I guess next time I just to be more careful. Ugh. But yeah I hated that moment. I didn’t like what it did to my body. Thank God for Gatorade.